

Indigenous Person, Amber Bellis, DOMP, DN, DO (Spain), PhD (OCS), RMO has been elected as the new president of College of Registered Manual Osteopaths, the first and only Indigenous osteopathic association in Canada.

Ms. Bellis is a member of the Haida First Nations that reside in the Haida Gwaii (British Columbia) for the past 12,500 years. She previously served CRMO as vice president.

Ms. Bellis is a registered manual osteopath with three doctoral degrees, two of them being in the field of manual osteopathy. She has obtained a diploma in osteopathic manual practice (DOMP) from National Academy of Osteopathy ( Canada) followed by a doctor of osteopathy (DO) and a doctor of naprapathy (DN) from National University of Medical Sciences (Spain) before obtaining a PhD in osteopathic clinical sciences at the National university of Medical Sciences (USA).

CRMO is honored to have her as president and we welcome her as our elected president.

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