Land Acknowledgment The office of College of Registered Manual Osteopaths (Canada) is located on the ancestral lands of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe peoples, who have left their footprints on Mother Earth before us. We respectfully acknowledge those who have walked on it, those who walk on it now, and future generations who have yet to walk upon it. We wish to express gratitude to Mother Earth and for the resources we are using, and honour all the Indigenous people who have been living on this land since time immemorial.

What is a land acknowledgement and why do we do it?
A territorial or land acknowledgement involves making a statement recognizing the traditional territory of the Indigenous peoples such as First Nations, Métis and Inuit, who called the land home before the arrival of European settlers, and in many cases still do call it home. Indigenous peoples have been acknowledging the land at the start of gatherings, ceremonies and events for time immemorial. Recently more non-Indigenous people are becoming aware of its importance. Providing a land acknowledgement at the beginning of an event or meeting gives time for reflection and demonstrates recognition of Indigenous lands, treaties and peoples. It involves thinking about what happened in the past and what changes can be made going forward in order to further the reconciliation process. Land acknowledgements mark a small and important step in the process of reconciliation and building a positive relationship with Indigenous peoples. By making a land acknowledgement you are taking part in an act of reconciliation, honouring the land and Indigenous presence which dates back over 10,000 years. Using and participating in a land acknowledgement is a way to recognize the enduring presence and resilience of Indigenous peoples in this area for time immemorial. They are also a reminder that we are all accountable to these relationships. At College of Registered Manual Osteopaths (Canada) we recommend registered manual osteopaths post land acknowledgement statement on their websites.